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NYIFF > Films > Films Details
Los Angeles
Lords of Lockdown
Director: Mihir Fadnavis
Starring: Ruben Mascarenhas, AK Singh, Aparna Hegde
Run time: 2h 0m
Language: English, Hindi
Year Made: 2022
Country: Globally

On 23rd March, 2020 at the stroke of the midnight hour India went into a hard, total lockdown. The next few months changed the very fabric of the country as the pandemic exposed the nation’s biggest endemic problem - hunger.

A sensitive and honest portrayal of survival in the toughest of times, ‘Lords of Lockdown’ chronicles the months between March to August of India’s financial capital Mumbai – through the eyes of food distribution NGO ‘Khaana Chahiye’, a journalist who initiated relief efforts in Dharavi, a Uro-Gynecologist doctor who treated Covid afflicted pregnant ladies in the lockdown, and the Inspector General of the Railways as they all converged towards a crisis of devastating proportions – the exodus of daily wage migrant workers by foot.

Director : Mihir Fadnavis