film detail

Movie Details
NYIFF > Films > Films Details
Los Angeles
Director: Shivraj Waichal
Starring: Arnab Abdagire, Mahendra Walunj, Ashwini Giri, Ramesh Pardeshi
Run time: 14m
Language: Marathi
Year Made: 2021
Country: Globally

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, so they say. We look at the world as we see it. But, what about those who are deprived of the vision? Arjun is a story of a little blind boy who sees the world… through his own vision.

This slice of life film is about a simple incident in his life. Arjun is introduced to the art of sketching, rather stencil sketching by his cousin and an artist – Ateesh. Someone who perceives this world through touch, this is another way of seeing the beauty of this world, for Arjun. He wants to gift a sketch to his favourite teacher.

The story revolves around this beautiful feeling that Arjun experiences while drawing and perceiving things differently. With a heart-warming conclusion, this story is about the beauty, that is experienced and not just seen.

Director : Shivraj Waichal